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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you accept international orders ?
    Yes, we accept clients / customers from all over the world. We have hundreds of clients across the globe. We respect and serve all clients equally so you are encouraged to apply no matter from which country you belong.

  • How do I place an order for embroidery digitizing or vector art services or how to avail your free trial ?
    To place an order or to avail the free trial, simply SIGN UP / REGISTER for free and start using our services or email your order to orders@ideasemb.com and we will take care of everything for you.

  • Which payment methods are acceptable by your company or how can I pay your company ?
    To view all available payment options please CLICK HERE.

  • Can I request for an estimate before placing an order ?
    Yes, all quotes are provided for free and you can request as many quotes as you like. We can even give you unbeatable flat rates to make pricing easier for you. Simply send the quote just like an order but don't forget to mention that it is only a quote.

  • How can I contact you directly ?
    You can contact us through live chat, email or phone or you can also email us to call you back. Please CLICK HERE to submit contact us form or to see the details of all available options to contact us or click the live chat tab showing on all pages of our website to get in touch with the available operators.

  • What artwork formats do you accept ?
    We accept all formats including but not limited to:
    *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp, *.zip, *.pdf, *.dst, *.emb, *.jpeg, *.cdr, *.eps, *.ae, *.ai, *.cnd, *.exp, *.ofm, *.tif, *.doc, *.docx, *.pxf
    but following formats are preferred as they don't have any software compatibility problems:
     *.jpg, *.gif, *.bmp, *.tiff
    For example: A font may appear differently in different versions of Corel Draw or MS-Word software due to a missing font which can make the whole file appear differently.

  • What digitized file formats do you provide ?
    We provide the digitized designs in Tajima.DST format.
    We can provide the following machine formats:
    .10o  .bro  .dat  .dsb  .dst  .dsz  .exp  .exy
    .fxy  .hus  .jef  .ksm  .pcm  .pcs  .pec  .pes
    .sew  .cnd  .t03  .t04  .t05  .tap  .uxy  .xxx
    .jef  .emb  (and many other file formats)
    However, formats that are mostly demanded by clients are .dst, .cnd and .exp

  • What is your Turn Around Time / How long will you take to return my order ?
    Our TAT is only 8 working hours or less which means that if you send us the order in the morning, you will get the files by the evening but if you send us the order in the evening then you will get the files by next morning.

  • How do you ensure good quality ?
    We sew out each design and make necessary adjustment till we are satisfied of its smooth run on the machine before we send the digitized file to you. Every digitized file or vector has to go through and pass the quality checks of our quality control department.

  • Can I use your digitized design on all fabrics types ?
    Some designs may work on all fabrics but it is really important to mention the fabric to avail the best quality if fabric is of a special type. For example, polar fleeces and knit clothes are much different than polyester / cotton fabrics. So changes to density and sometimes stitching angles are also required to make the design with good quality. So if a fabric is special, please always mention it to get the best quality in first attempt.

  • How much do you charge for adjustment / edits ?
    All designs are checked for quality and smooth working. However, any normal edits required will be done for free. Or in case of any corrections or alterations to be done due to an error caused by us are also made free of charge. Limited resizing, color changes and other such things are also done for free. But if there are major changes to be made due to a reason like change of artwork or addition of extra text, then we may charge a minimal fee (just a small amount).

  • Do you sell the digitized files to someone else ?
    No, all the files that we do are custom designs and we do not sell them to others. We have a good reputation for being trustworthy.

  • Do you keep the backup file of designs ?
    Yes, we have kept all the designs that we have done. In the event if your file is damaged for any reason, please contact us for the backup file and we will send it for free or you can also download any past files from our website for free using your password.