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Free Trial

Free trial is very important because it allows the customer or client to test our extraordinary quality and services without any risks. So our every new client is entitled to get a free design (digitizig order). Which means we will digitize your first order for FREE (up to 25000 stitches). If you want to start with a jacket back then we will give you 50% discount on our already low prices. It is a 100% risk free offer with no strings attached. You don't even have to provide any credit card information for the free trial. Just send us your first order and we will do it for FREE.

But that is not all because our aim is to give our clients the best options and we want them to benefit as much as they want by taking advantage of our unbeatable offers. So you will also get the following offers for free:

  • Special low price first month:
    Although our prices are already lower than the market but to make the offer more attractive for you, in the first 30 days of your signup, we will provide all left chest logos or vectors regardless of their size and complexity for only $15 (limited time offer).

  • 30 days grace period or unlimited loan:
    We will digitize and/or vectorize your logos without advance payment and you can pay anytime in the next 30 days without paying any extra fees or late charges.

  • Quality guarantee:
    We will work with you till you get satisfied. Minor edits and revisions are free.

  • Quickest Turn Around Time:
    You will get your orders back within 8 working hours or less with very good quality at unbelievable low rates. Meaning that if you send us the design in the morning, you will get it back by the evening and if you send it in the evening you will get it back the next day before afternoon.

  • Lowest price guaranteed:
    Guaranteed lowest prices. If someone is giving you lower rates than what we offer, we will give you 10% lower prices than them but their quality should be at least closer if not equal to our quality.

  • Extraordinary and experienced staff, embroidery digitizers, graphic artists:
    We hire only experienced and qualified staff. No matter how much we have to pay them, you will get the whole sale rates.

  • More payment options:
    All major credit cards, debit cards and payment methods like Paypal, Apple Pay and Skrill are happily accepted.

To avail the free trial, simply SIGN UP / REGISTER for free and start using our services or email your order to orders@ideasemb.com and we will take care of everything for you.